Igbo Cultures And Traditions
Happy Ìgbò New Year | The Ìgbò Year Start On 17th February 2023 | Ọgụgụ afọ Ìgbò

Ụmụ Ìgbò, ọ taata ka Ọgụgụ afọ Ìgbò bidoro. Taata Bụ Èké na Ọnwa Mbụ (Friday, 17th, February, 2023). Taata ka Ọnwa Mbụ (First Month) anyị bidoro.

Ihe anyị ji ama na afọ ọhụrụ ebidogo bụ mpụta Ọnwa na ngwụcha February, nke na egosi na anyị abanyego Ọnwa ọhụrụ.
Ifé mere ndị Ìgbò jiri were kwekọrịta na Ọnwa a anyị na abanye bụ Ọnwa Mbụ, bụ maka na ọ banyere na oge mmiri ozuzo na ebido na ana anyị, ma banye kwa n’oge ndị banyi ji akonye nni n’ala. Ìhè ndị a gosiri na ìhè ofuo abiago, ma na egosikwa na Afọ ofuo ebidogo.
Enwere ọtụtụ obodo n’ime anyị bụ Ìgbò sị na mbido afọ nke ha erubeghị. Ụfọdụ si na mbido afọ ha bụ na oge ana aboputa nni na ana.
Ụmụ Ìgbò, etu ọbụna ndị sịrị kwete dị mma. Ihe ka mkpa bụ na anyị bụ Ndị Ìgbò nwere afọ ofu nke anyị, ma na edebe kwa ya ka ndị nna nna anyị ha sịrị were mee.
Ụmụ Ìgbò, ka Ọmaka melu anyị na afọ ofu a anyị banyere.
Umu Igbo, today marks the beginning of our Igbo calendar. The Igbo new year is marked by the appearance of the new moon (Onwa Ofu) in the month of February. This Igbo calendar, which starts in February is accepted by a majority of Odinani na Omamni adherents because it follows the moon and seasons just like our ancestors did.
The coming of the rains in February/March/April ushers in the planting season. But more importantly, nourishes the Ani (the earth) and makes plants and grasses green. This new rain, the coming of new green pastures, and the starting of the planting season, all signify new beginnings. And as such many of our people have agreed that this period is the new year.
However, different parts of Igbo land, in their own wisdom, choose various dates in February, March, April, etc. to mark the new year. Also, there are regions in Igbo land that take the harvest period (July/August) to be their new year. But whatever period it is we chose individually is correct. And this is because the Igbo worldview is vast, with similarities in many aspects and differences in a few. That is why our people Nku di na mba na eghere mba nni.
The current Igbo calendar which chooses the First New Moon in February as the Igbo New Year has gained more acceptance among our people, in this age and time when we aim to unify our worldview as Ndi Igbo. And so, we stick to it at Voice Of The Sun.
Umu Igbo, Happy New Year.
This Article Was Written By Chuka Nduneseokwu, Editor-In-Chief, of Voice Of The Sun
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