Chuka Nduneseokwu Re-Publishes His Captivating 2017 Short Story Titled ‘The Tribulations Of Obiagu’
Title: The Tribulations Of Obiagu
Author: Chuka Nduneseokwu
This captivating short story set in a village called Obiagu, in the late 1910s, portrays the Igbo society at the advent of colonialism in Igbo land. The drama-filled scenes raise the often-ignored atrocities in Igbo history, committed by many Warrant-Chiefs, some of whom were foisted on various indigenous communities by the British Colonial officers and government, against the wishes of the people.
In this story of the egalitarian nature of the Igbo society, the author calls our attention to the cultural, spiritual, and political laws that guide the Igbo society, and how these laws were enforced by the collective consciousness and will of the people, through the republican institutions of the Igbo society, run by the Ụmụ Nna (sons of a Kindred), Nze na Ozo (titled men), Ndị Okenye (elders), Ụmụ Ada (Daughters of the kindred).
‘The Tribulations of Obiagu’ presents the Igbo version of justice, fairness, retribution, and social order, enforced through a dynamic mixture of Ịgọ Mmụọ, Ọgwụ, Omenala, Odinala, Odi be Ndị, which are the foundational practices, beliefs and principles enshrined in the ancient cultures and traditions of various Igbo villages, towns and regions, from the ancient times, till when colonialism invaded and upturned our society.
Buy the short story on Amazon Kindle for $2.99: The Tribulations Of Obiagu
Buy the short story on Selar for N1,000: The Tribulations Of Obiagu
This Article Was Written By Chuka Nduneseokwu, Editor-In-Chief, of Voice Of The Sun
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