Igbo Cultures And Traditions
Financial Request For Purchase Of Cameras and Equipment For Recording Teachings In Odinala na Omenala

Umu Igbo, I Chuka Nduneseokwu, the founder of Voice Of The Sun humbly seek your donations, sponsorship, and support in obtaining Cameras and equipment to enable us to expand and solidify our research into Odinala na Omenala Igbo.
These cameras would be instrumental in recording and producing international-standard video Interviews and documentaries about Odinala na Omenala Igbo. We aim to exalt Igbo cosmology, culture, traditions, history, and worldview to their deserved height in the global community. I know that your support will take us a thousand steps closer to that vision. We are also open to direct donations of the equipment if you buy it yourself. Please scroll below in the comment section to find the pictures, specifications, and estimated prices of all the equipment we need. Dalu nu.
Umu nnem, we are asking for your donations to raise the sum of N5, 066, 000 (Five Million, Sixty Six Thousand Naira)
To Donate, Please Send Funds To My Account Details Below:
- Account Name: Chukwuka Obiwuru Nduneseokwu
- Account Number: 2255412021
- Bank Name: Zenith Bank Plc
Voice Of The Sun is a promising research platform targeted at the mental and spiritual emancipation of Ndi Igbo and the defense of the Igbo way of life. We have reached over 4 million people on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and TikTok, in the past 4 years of our existence.
We started with little to no resources, but with a passion for becoming an international media house that will stand as a mouthpiece for Ndi Igbo, in the necessary discussions and teachings about Omenala, Odinala, Odi be Ndi, and many more – Culture, Spirituality, Cosmology, archaeology, history, metaphysics, etc.
In our little capacity, we have been able to develop TV standard video programs, well-researched articles (on our website https://voiceofthesun.com/), Igbo Calendar web applications, and instructions to help teach our people about Odinalana Omenala. All this is to help drive our consciousness back to the practices that make us Ndi Igbo. The numerous research articles, videos, and daily Igbo Calendar on our platform speak of our commitment to see Ndi Igbo rise again as gods among men.
It is on these grounds that we humbly come to you to seek your support, sponsorship, and guidance. We are seeking funds for the purchase of standard Cameras, lenses, tripod stands, microphones, and sound cards, equipment that will be instrumental in our interviews, documentation, and research into Igbo Odinala na Omenala.
Through the work we have done on Igbo cosmology, I have connected to a sizable amount of our old and young people who are knowledgeable in Omenala na Odinala. The knowledge that flows through them must come to light through these documentaries, interviews, and publications, or else they go to the grave with it, leaving us forever lost in the wilderness of colonialism. I am only a vessel that must seek them out in their villages, and I believe Ndi Ichie has assigned men such as yourself to be the drivers of such vessels.
Estimated Cost Of Camera and Accessories
Camera (3): NIKON D750 – N1,050,000 (Per Camera) x 3 = N3,150,000

Camera Lenses:
1 Wide Lens = N297,000

1 Prime Lens = N320,000

1 Sigma Lens = N385,000

Bellringer Soundcard (1) = N300,000

Rode Mic (3) – N110,000 x 3 = N330,000

Tripod Stands For The 3 Cameras = N58,000 X 3 = N174,000

Lights (2) = N55,000 X 2 = N110,000

Total Cost Of Equipment: N5, 066, 000 (Five Million, Sixty Six Thousand Naira)
Umu Nnem, To Donate, Please Send Funds To My Account Details Below:
Bank Name: Zenith Bank Plc
Account Name: Chukwuka Obiwuru Nduneseokwu
Account Number: 2255412021
Bank Name: Zenith Bank Plc
To reach me (Chuka Nduneseokwu) directly for your donations, kindly send me a message on Whatsapp: +2349071459716
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