How The Story Of Jesus And The Bible Was Copied From Ancient African Spirituality And Stories

The person of the Christian Jesus Christ is one character in human history and religion, that is well known. This is because Christianity is one of the major religions practiced in the world. The Bible, which is the Christian holy book, is one of the most popular books on earth, whose entire purpose was to teach the person of the Christian God and his son Jesus Christ.
The story of Jesus’s birth, growth, and crucifixion has been told in many versions, scripted and acted in many movies, and taught in various languages of the world. Christians believe him to be the one true son of God – God the Son.
What most followers of Christ and others around the world do not know, or agree to, is that there is a viable account/story, or argument, that proves that Jesus Christ’s story/person/character was copied from the ancient Black people of Kmt/Kemet (Egypt), the worship of the SUN, among many other ancient literatures of the then-spirituality.
Many Christians always get emotional when these arguments/facts in history and archaeology are thrown up, and this is understandable, because of the power of indoctrination in various religions of the world – especially Christianity. But here, we don’t intend to provoke anyone but to teach the origin of the stories in the Bible through alternate (and viable) facts.
You see, in Christianity, one is compelled to have “Blind Faith” which is just the same thing as “following a dogma without the right to ask questions when in doubt”. Blind faith removes the ability of one to use the mind. Here we will be using our minds and asking the right questions, and if that is not your thing, it’s okay to excuse us.
In the course of our research of the origin of Jesus Christ, we stumbled on ancient knowledge that points his story to sources in ancient Kmt/Kemet (named Egypt by the Greeks), in motherland Africa. Being lovers of history and archaeology, we dug deeper to see other sources of the existence of Jesus Christ, and most of the sources (although not so popular) pointed to the ancient Kemet spirituality among others.
English-born American political activists and philosopher, Thomas Paine, who lived from 1737 to 1809, said the following about Jesus Christ: “The Christian religion is a parody of the worship of the sun, in which they put a man called Christ in the place of the sun, and pay him the adoration originally paid to the sun.”
So, as we continue, we will first talk about the origins of the Christian Bible, which will lead us to the origin of the person of Jesus.
The Bible – How The Romans (Europeans) Knocked It Together
Those who have studied true African and world history can point to the fact that the Bible was copied from various philosophies, stories, and teachings of Kemetic spirituality. The first five books of the Bible (we know today), are attributed to Moses, the man who led the supposed Israelites out of Egypt. When historical dates are placed side by side with the story, he should have existed around 1300 B.C. It is noteworthy to state that the name Moses was derived from the combination of the Kemet words for “child of” and “water”, which generally referred to the river Nile as well. This metaphorically translates to a child of the water or a child that was drawn from the water (or born of the water). And as we are made to believe, Moses was saved from the water by the daughter of Pharaoh.
Now the character of Moses was never white (Caucasian Israelite) like many would be forced to believe through Christianity. He was Black. This is because according to legend, Moses was born a Hebrew (Black), from the tribe of Levi. He was taken ‘from water” and kept in the house of Pharaoh Thutmose II, where he lived for 40 years. So, if he was white, like the white Jesus, how could he have lived under Pharaoh Thutmose II’s roof and was referred to as Pharaoh’s grandson? That is impossible.
In the Bible book of Exodus, the Pharaoh who reigned, when viewed through history and archaeology, was Thutmose III. He reigned from 1485 – 1431 B.C. This was around the time when the Israelites supposedly crossed from Egypt to Israel. The crossing took Moses and the Israelites 40 years, but when checked through geography, the distance is only 6 days walk. The question scientists, historians, and archaeologists have been asking is: How possible is that?
But when these questions are raised, Christians say: “These are the things of the spirit. You can’t understand them.” They apply BLIND FAITH, and reason is thrown to the wind. But in history and archaeology, we question everything.
The spirituality in Kemet then was known as Ma’at, which had 42 principles, which the people were to use in living their everyday lives. It would later be termed the “42 Commandments of Ancient Egypt”, but in the real sense, they were the “Forty-Two Declarations of Purity” or “The 42 Negative Confessions” of Ma’at. It was from these laws and principles that the 10 commandments were copied and put in the Bible and Torah.
The first book of religious principles that would guide the people of Kemet was created by Pharaoh Akhenaten & Queen Nefertiti of the 18th Egyptian dynasty, 1550 B.C. – 1298 B.C. And please bear in mind, that these two were nothing but BLACK. Forget what the Euro-centric historians have done in trying to white-wash Black history, by reconstructing their images and sculptures to resemble Europeans. They are all lies and can be seen in the various museums in Europe.
The book by Pharaoh Akhenaten & Queen Nefertiti was written by the ancient people of Kemet (Egyptians), detailing the lives and history of the people of ancient Africa, with a spiritual focus on a One-God religion for Aten. Aten was/is the disk of the sun, in ancient Kemet mythology, originally being an aspect of the God, Ra – The Sun. The religion of the worship of the sun was established by Amenhotep IV. He would later change his name to Akhenaten, in reverence and worship to Aten (the disk of the sun). In his book about the Sun, he wrote a poem titled “Great Hymn to the Aten”, in which he praises the disk of the sun (Aten) as the creator, giver of life, and the spirit which nurtures the world.
By 1348 B.C., Pharaoh Akhenaton and Queen Nefertiti moved their belief from a multiple Gods spirituality to a one-God belief (monotheism) and then commenced the teaching of perfect love, brotherhood, truth, and spirituality. This was 1300 years before the birth of the alleged Jesus Christ. The exact story surrounding the birth of Jesus, his ministry, death, and resurrection, is said to be a replica of the Kemetic (Egyptian) myth of Heru/Horus, who existed 300 years before the character/person of Jesus Christ.
The Horus And Christ Resemblance – A Clear Case Of Plagiarism
Horus was/is the sun God of Kemet (Egypt) or 3000 B.C. From the ancient hieroglyphics, historians were able to tell the story of Horus. He was the SUN and light of the world, and he had an enemy, SET, which was the darkness. Every morning Horus rose and won the battle over darkness, and at night, SET would win the light (SUN/Horus) and send him to the underworld.
Horus was born on December 25th. He was born of a virgin, called Isis. His birth was announced by a star in the east, which three kings followed to go pay homage to the newborn SUN. By the age of 12, he was a prodigal child teacher, and at the age of 30, he was baptized by a figure known as Anab (not certain of spelling). Horus had 12 disciples with whom he traveled around, healing the sick and performing miracles, like walking on water. He was known by many names such as The Truth, The Light, God’s anointed Son, and Lamb of God. After being betrayed by one of his disciples, Horus was crucified, and buried, and after three 3 days he was resurrected.
These were exactly the attributes of the person/character and story of Jesus Christ.
All of the many philosophies, literature, and stories in the Bible were of Black origin, till the Romans conquered Egypt in 30 B.C. and the white-washing began.
In essence, it was the teachings of the ancient people of Kemet, and Pharaoh Akhenaton, that Christianity lifted, distorted, and assembled back together to create the Bible. The creation of the Bible was engineered by self-proclaimed Roman Emperor, Flavius Valerius Constantine in the 4th century, 312 A.D. His prime intentions were to have a religion that would control the masses and put the Roman empire under his full political grasp.
History remembers Constantine as the very first Christian Roman Emperor, although he didn’t start as a Christian. His first encounter with what is today known as Christianity was the battle against Western Roman Emperor Maxentius at the Tiber River’s Mulvian Bridge in 312 A.D.
In a report by one of the 4th-century historians, Bishop Eusebius of Caesarea, he accounted that Constantine confessed to seeing a flaming cross in the sky, with the words “In this sign thou shalt conquer.” He went ahead to kill his enemy and started his campaign for Christianity.
13 years later, in 325 A.D., Constantine and his followers started to put together the book that the world knows as the Christian Bible today. He organized a meeting called the “First Council of Nicaea”. They used the ancient scripts, literature, and philosophies of the people of Kemet/Africa/Nubia/Alkabulan (Egypt), which the Romans invaded and looted. They also took the books of Moses and made them the first books of their Bible. But they needed a face and story that would draw worship in their new religion, so the creation of the person of Jesus began, with the removal of Horus from the Kemet mythology, and replacing him with Jesus Christ.
It was the Bishop Of Caesarea, Eusebius, whom Emperor Constantine placed in charge of compiling the Bible, with all the knowledge and religious texts from Kemet/Africa/Nubia/Alkabulan (Egypt). He was known as the “Father of Church History “, and was the one who gave the keynote speech at the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D.
By the year 380 A.D., the Bible had been put together, and the Roman Empire declared Christianity to be the religion and law of its empire. Anyone who refused to follow the Christian law or disagreed with the church would be beaten severely or killed. The following year, in 381 A.D., Emperor Theodosius I, summoned the second ecumenical council of the Christian church, known as the Council of Constantinople. At this council, they finally declared the Trinitarian doctrine, which gives power to the Holy Trinity and makes the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, to be one.
Some accounts state that it was the Romans, under the Christian Emperor Theodosius I, in 391 A.D., who ordered the destruction of all temples in Kemet (Egypt), including the Library of Alexandria. They burnt all the scrolls, texts, and much of the written evidence which points to Kemet (Africa) as the source of their newly formed Christianity. *This particular account is still being debated heavily*
The newfound religion and the Roman empire being its political base, convened one Ecumenical council after the other, in other to vote on what aspects to add to their doctrines and teachings. For 462 years, they held 7 Ecumenical Councils, where the Pope and Bishops were gathered to vote on what would go into the Bible and what would not.
The Ecumenical Councils are as follows:
*First Council of Nicea in 325 A.D.
*First Council of Constantinople in 381 A.D.
*First Council of Ephesus in 431 A.D.
*First Council of Chalcedon in 451 A.D.
*Second Council of Constantinople in 553 A.D.
*Third Council of Constantinople in 680 A.D.
*Second Council of Nicea in 787 A.D.
These first Ecumenical councils were convened to create the Bible and all its contents, removing books, replacing them, and adding clauses that would suit the European view on world domination. An example of this is the many verses on slavery, and how slaves should obey their masters and not revolt. The next 14 Ecumenical Councils would take place from 869 A.D. to 1965 A.D. This was attended by Church elders and Bishops.
These facts simply point to the fact that the Bible is not the direct words of God, and was not inspired by the holy spirit, since mortal men, over 1640 years, were allowed to debate, vote on, edit, write, and create what should be and what should not be in the Bible. They made sure that stories, myths, and books that did not align with the agenda of the Roman Empire were not included. These books are known as the books of the Apocrypha (from the Old Testament). The Apocrypha was made of 14 books, which were removed from the 81 books of the Old Testament, in 1684.
What is most interesting is that the story of Jesus was added 300 years after the Bible was compiled in 325 A.D. In addition to the story of Jesus, the Roman Catholic church created heaven and hell, to scare people into following their teachings of Christianity.
Researchers and historians have also argued that certain aspects of the story of Jesus were possibly copied from other ancient mythological stories and then added to that of Horus.
These stories are:
1) Horus / Heru (Kemet/Egypt) – Exusted 5000 years ago, born of a virgin on December 25, there were three stars in the east, he had 12 disciples, walked on water, healed the sick, restored sight, was crucified, dead for three days, and resurrected.
2) Mithra (Persian) – Existed 3200 years ago, was born of a virgin on December 25, star in the east announced his birth, had 12 disciples, performed miracles, was crucified, dead for three days, and then resurrected.
3) Krishna (Hindu) – Existed 2900 years ago, born of a virgin, star in the east, performed miracles, called the son of god, son of a carpenter, was crucified, and resurrected from death.
4) Dionysus (Greek/Roman) – 2500 years ago, born of a virgin on December 25, traveling teacher, turned water into wine, called the holy child, crucified, dead for three days, resurrected.
History proves that between 3000 B.C. and 500 B.C., there were 19 stories in which the saviors were crucified. All of these 19 came before that of Jesus Christ was written. These stories and their characters were:
Horus of Egypt, 3000 B.C.
Thulis of Egypt, 1700 B.C.
Krishna of India, 1200 B.C.
Crite of Chaldea, 1200 B.C.
Atys of Phrygia, 1170 B.C.
Thammuz of Syria, 1160 B.C.
Hesus of the Celtic Druids, 834 B.C.
Bali of Orissa, 725 B.C.
Indra of Tibet, 725 B.C.
Iao of Nepaul, 622 B.C.
Hindoo Sakia, 600 B.C.
Mithra of Persia, 600 B.C.
Alcestos of Euripides, 600 B.C.
Quexalcote of Mexico, 587 B.C.
Wittoba of the Telingonese, 552 B.C.
Prometheus of Caucasus, 547 B.C.
Quirinus of Rome, 506 B.C.
Dionysus of Greece, 500 B.C.
Although these stories might have valid claims as the sources of the copied story of Jesus, historians and researchers have found more evidence in the Horus story, and the African (Kemet) origin of the many verses and books of the Bible.
This topic has been debated a lot, and in all honesty, is still open for more debate, findings, and pieces of evidence. We will continue our documentation and arguments on this topic in subsequent articles. But in the meantime, if you have any further information that can help us make a more robust piece, please don’t hesitate to drop it in the comment section.
This Article Was Written By Chuka Nduneseokwu, Editor-In-Chief, of Voice Of The Sun
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